Our Services

We will look after your health

General Practice

All aspects of General Practice including diagnosis and management of medical, surgical and gynaecological conditions. Chronic disease management and care-planning. Mental Health. Child Health.

Mens and womens health

Well-Woman and Well-Man checks. PAP tests. Skin cancer screening. Prostate cancer screening. Child Health checks. Dietary and Lifestyle advice.

Chronic disease management

Many Australians are living with chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, heart disease and arthritis. Talk with our doctors about preventing or managing chronic disease and ask how we can help you maintain your independence and stay as healthy as possible.

Travel medicine

Our doctors can provide you with accurate travel advice and travel letters stating what medications are prescribed for you and provide you with printed information outlining any specific risks for the areas you are visiting.

Mental health

Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress, and other mental health concerns are taken very seriously by our doctors. It is important that you discuss these concerns with our doctors.

Sexual health

Integrated Sexual Health offers assessment and management of all types of sexual dysfunction with patients often referred by other GPs or specialists. Our treatment is holistic with medical, psychological and lifestyle interventions.

Workers compensation

Our doctors can provide you with accurate travel advice and travel letters stating what medications are prescribed for you and provide you with printed information outlining any specific risks for the areas you are visiting.

Skin checks

Skin checks and biopsies or removal of abnormal moles and skin lumps.

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